
The Special Offers

“Pagel” offers you special deals and promotions for your weekends, holidays, long stays in CATUS

100% Secure Booking, Best Rates Guaranteed, Instant Confirmation
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From 11 apr 26 To 31 oct 26 -10%

Early Booking 2026

You can't find availability for your dates in 2025? Anticipate your stay and book now for 2026! Take advantage of our early booking offer and benefit...

From 04 apr 25 To 04 may 25 -15%

Stay in the Lot in April

Are you looking for a cottage in the Lot in April to enjoy spring and the magnificent landscapes of this region? Our cottage welcomes you for an unfor...

From 18 apr 25 To 21 apr 25 -20%

Unforgettable Weekend in Lot - 3 Nights for the Price of 2

Enjoy a special Easter weekend in Lot at Pagel. 6 cottages, 29 beds, and the perfect spring getaway awaits you. Book now!